Archive for August 2013

Get A Free Marketing Analysis & A Free Copy of Tidbits from the Sales Pit
Get a free marketing analysis (a $250 value!) and a second bonus (a $9.99 value), when you book a brainstorming session with marketing guru Mike Bova.
What the heck is a brainstorming session, right? Well, we’re glad you asked. A brainstorming session is a 2 hour power meeting with professional brainstormer, Mike Bova. Mike has been a small business owner and has also worked in the corporate world for over 30 years. He is considered The Ideas Guy among his peers. Mike knows how to think outside the box. He will give you ways to beat your competition! You give Mike information about your business; where you are now and where you want to be, and he will give you ideas on how to take you there…WE PROMISE!
The rate for a brainstorming session with Mike is only $250+ any travel expenses!
What would you rather do? Spend $250 on a very small ad in a daily newspaper, that may or may not work for you or, spend $250 on a brainstorming session that will get you unique, out-of-the box ideas for your business. Your business needs a niche, so set yourself apart from the competition. Don’t delay, contact Mike Bova at 315-404-8200 or This session will literally take your business to the next level!!!
BONUS #1: FREE MARKETING ANALYSIS: Business owners are good at what they do otherwise, they wouldn’t have started a business. What most business owners are not good at is marketing their business. So, for a limited time only, you will get a professional marketing analysis from online (and offline) marketing guru Mike Bova, (a $250 value!) to see if your business is being marketed properly. Here is what you learn about your business:
1. How your website (and your competitors websites) rank among the websites of the world
2. Your (and your competitors) Google rankings for keywords that are related to your business.
3. If your website is optimized properly.
4. If you’re using facebook, twitter, linkedin and youtube to their maximum potential
5. If you can improve anything like color schemes, logo, slogan etc
6. How much traffic your website is receiving…unique visitors, number of visits, number of page views (analytics)
Again, this offer is for a limited time only and a $250 value! Want to increase your sales? Contact Mike Bova today at 315-404-8200 or
BONUS #2: FREE COPY OF “TIDBITS FROM THE SALES PIT”: Mike Bova has a track record of explosive sales growth. He attributes his success to the many tidbits he’s learned over his 20+ years of selling. These 5 “Tidbits from the Sales Pit” will help you increase sales. You will get a PDF (102KB) file FREE (a $9.99 value!). Contact Mike Bova today at 315-404-8200 or